Archived: The new beta site: a fortnight on

phil_100x100graph_blogThe beta version of our new site has now been live to the public since Tuesday 25th June, and since then we’ve been analysing the steady flow of feedback and statistics. Traffic to the site has steadied into regular patterns with the busiest time proving to be at the weekend, and mobile devices being the predominant way in which you are using the new site. And already a growing number of you are now clearly using the beta site as your primary source of TfL travel information.


Since the public launch we have received over 887,000 page views, in 285,000 visits and 187,500 unique users.

As stated, mobile usage continues to form the largest element so far, with 79% of visits on mobile phones: this is in comparison to 45% across our current services. This undoubtedly reflects our use of responsive design to make the new site perfect for commuters on the move.

At the top of this post is a graph showing the hour-by-hour usage since the launch.


We’ve now received over 1,500 feedback responses from the public. In the past week these can be broken down as 70% satisfied, 11% neutral and 19% dissatisfied, with various enhancement requests and defects reported, which are each being analysed and fed into our backlog.

Meanwhile on twitter we’ve, again, received overwhelmingly positive comments which we’ll continue to monitor as the new site unrolls. Here are a few examples:

@jamiembrown: New beta TfL Journey Planner is lovely!

‏@marxculture: I like this site, it tells me I should get the boat to work

@MiniAnastasia: SUCH a geek – I can’t contain how excited I am at TFL’s new beta site- was wondering when they would come out of the dark ages! @TFLOfficial

@Jonginn: New TFL site is gorgeous.

@matt_speaks: @tfl beta website is amazing. Especially on mobile. A huge step forward [insert mind the gap joke]

At the same time, the blogosphere has been passing comment. Key opinion formers E-consultancy ran an article on the new site last week which was also very positive.

Next steps

We are now one week into the  first of a number of three-week ‘sprints,’ constructing the remaining features and finalising the shape of the new site for its launch in the Autumn. And of course we’ll continue to take all of your suggestions and criticisms into account as we do all of this. Watch this space for updates as they happen!

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