Design Students – Join us for a 5-day Sprint

TfL’s Experience Design team is inviting 6 enthusiastic design students to take part in a 5-day design sprint in collaboration with the TfL Cycle Hire team. The goal is to offer hands-on experience of the mindset and tools of the human-centred design that the TfL Experience Design team use in their everyday work.  

The 5-day design sprint is part of the Designology calendar of events being hosted by the London Transport Museum, and each day the students will learn different design and user research techniques. We’ll offer support to prototype and test out ideas quickly.

The 5-day design sprint

On Monday you will engage with the Cycle Hire team to discover the design challenge of the sprint and understand the importance of field research.

On Tuesday you will start to generate ideas and map the idea flows with the other participants.

On Wednesday you and the other participants will test your draft ideas on the public and refine your ideas based on their feedback.

On Thursday the day will be all about working in a team to digitally prototype ideas

On Friday you’ll work together to test the prototype with users and present your findings to TfL’s Experience Design and Cycle Hire teams.

By the end of the 5 days, you and the team will have developed and tested one or more digital prototypes together with the TfL Experience and Cycle Hire teams.

Where and when

Venue: Designology Studio at the London Transport Museum, Covent Garden Piazza, London WC2E 7BB, United Kingdom
View on Google Maps

18 – 22 July 2016, 11:00 – 16:30

Who would this suit?

  • You’re likely to be a design student, particularly interested in problem solving.
  • You will be happy to work in team and you should be confident to undertake user-centred research, including interviewing the public.
  • We will provide material for the studio but you’ll have to have to bring a laptop/mac and a digital mobile phone.

If this isn’t necessarily you but you’re still interested, please do get in touch and we can discuss it with you.

How to apply

You’ll need to apply before the end of Tuesday July 12th 2016.

Please email [email protected] providing a short paragraph about yourself and why you would like to participate.

This opportunity is part of London Transport Museum’s one year Designology studio programme in partnership with Transport for London. For more information please see:


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