Our use of social media

We recently shared some thinking about how we provide the best service to our customers via Twitter (‘TfL Social Media – Adapting to Twitter’s Changes’).

This has been taken as suggesting that we’re stepping back from providing the full range of information we currently provide our customers and that we object in some way to the changes being proposed to Twitter.  That was not our intention, so we’ve taken down the post.

We’re not going to make any immediate changes to the current range of information we put out on Twitter, which means customers will continue to get everything they are used to receiving.

We’re working with Twitter to ensure that we make best use of their platform and bring customers the messages they want to receive.

We’ve also got loads of ideas about how we use new features and approaches to give customers an even better service on this channel.

We’ll keep you updated with all of that here and really value your thoughts about how we can provide better travel information on all the channels we use.


  1. For me, the big problem with TfL’s ‘live’ updates is how often they don’t reflect what’s happening in front of me.

    Most of the time I’m stuck in a big queue outside a station which has been temporarily closed due to over-crowding, the live status is that everything is fine. Technically this is true – because these temporary closures don’t fall within the definition used for the live updates.

    I think that’s a real shame, as it’d be much more useful to be able to look up, say, Oxford Circus station and find that it’s got a 5 minute closure for overcrowding.

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